04 de Octubre 2022
Below you can find a list of the 3 best wineries to buy wine and visit in the D.O. Rueda, near
The Verdejo grape is the main protagonist in this Denomination of Origin, and its wines worldwide known.
If you wish you can find other wineries in Spain or wine regions where to buy wine using our search engine.
Located in the heart of Rueda
White Wine | Verdejo 100%
Rueda, Valladolid
150 years of history and an 18th Century Church
Verdejo (Unoaked single-varietal, barrel-fermented, semi-sweet and pre-phylloxera guarded wines). Malcorta (autochthonous Verdejo clone) | Sauvignon Blanc single varietal | Single varietal Bruñal | Single varietal of Cenicienta (variety grown exclusively by Javier Sanz Viticultor with which he makes the Colorado wine).
La Seca, Valladolid
La Seca, Valladolid
If you wish to discover other Wineries to visit in Spain , You only have to use our winery search engine or consult some of our winery listings that we have prepared to make your decision easier.